Monday, April 20, 2009

Online Shopping

I have another addiction.

Online shopping! Lately, it's been my procrastination to homework and has inspired many many idea's about things I want to make and stuff. Oh yeah, I make skirts, well..when I say I make skirts, I really mean that i'm in the process of making one. Anyway, there are soooooo many things that I want to buy online! If only I were rich.

From shoes to hair clips to dresses, you should see how many bookmarks I have of things that I want to buy online. They are all nicely arranged (in alphabetical order) in a folder in my bookmarks titled "Stuff I want to buy."

I just counted and I have 73 items in that folder. I would have more had I not have lost all my bookmarks a few weeks ago...

There are so many cute things to buy online. I really hate how I can spend hours upon hours browsing through different sites that have cute summery dresses and shoes, but cannot make it through five minutes of homework. It's really rather pathetic. But that is what online shopping does to me. Last year, I bought a lot of things off the internet. I got a few seasons of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman (I LOVE THAT SHOW!) My textbooks, a new coat, a shirt, music...I got a lot of stuff. But yet, it seems to never be enough. There is so much more that I want.

Online shopping first began in 1990, when Jeff Bezos started up a glorious website called Amazon. After that, bookstores opened up on the net, secure payment options became available, online banking became available and Pizza Hut opened up an online service, and then in 1996 Ebay appeared.

Online shopping is a very convenient way to shop. You can shop in the comfort of your own home, without having to drive miles to the nearest mall (at least, that's the case for me) and you won't use up any gas. However, you do not get to try on or try out anything that you buy ahead of time. You just have to hope that it fits/works. But you can always return it. You do have to wait a few days to a week or so before getting what you purchased online though, which kind of sucks.

Siiiigh. This post makes me want to go look through all my bookmarks and order a bunch of stuff off the internet. I really need to practice self control. :)

*Edited to add* I DID go through my bookmarks. Aren't these rainboots cute?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Online shopping is wonderful! I love Amazon, and am so gonna have a civil partnership with it ;) The best site ever!! And I love all the topics you post about- they really brighten up my day.
