Saturday, June 27, 2009

Point A to Point B

Well I haven't updated lately either! Sorry. Not like anyone reads this
anyway. This summer has been going by so fast and surprisingly I haven't
had much time to update either. Well. I need to find something
sensational write about. Hmm. Having fun. That's sensational. And its
amazing how easy it is to have fun. A day that is meant to be spent
swimming, turns into a money hunt in scorching parking lots, watching
talking teeth on youtube, playing limbo with a little cat, or going to
Denny's at 1 AM. Its all rather sensational. Just the abstractness of it
all. You can spend hours and hours of having fun, but when you think of
all you did it wouldn't seem that great to the outsider. Walking miles
in the dark at 11 PM while fireworks are thrown at you. Fun? Yes.
Sensational? Absolutely. Hopefully everyone knows what I'm talking
about. I guess, just those things that happen when you set out to do one
thing, and end up doing another. Or when you are just trying to get from
Activity A to Activity B (physically or with time) and its actually the
time spent in between A and B that are the funniest. Who would've
thought that calling a Romanian in Michigan and going on youtube would
be funner than Denny's. (I know it should be "more fun" but this seems
to fit better. Well. I think of rambled on long enough about this.

This is Nick. Signing off.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It's been such a long time before I posted anything on this blog, i'm sorry!

I'll just share a bit of why i've been so bad at posting.

I am currently not at home. I am at a wonderful place called "Grindstone Lake Bible Camp" where I spend my time being a counselor to girls of all ages.

Last week was my training week and basically I just learned what i'm supposed to do, got some music stuff together and learned some safety training stuff. This week however, is the first week of camp. I have a cabin of six Jr. High girls. And let me tell you, it get's crazy.

So, what's so sensational about that? Mmm. I don't know. Just being at camp I guess. It's beautiful here. The lake is wonderful. Everything is wonderful. I love waking up and walking down paths to places I need to be, and I love spending time outside, which is quite surprising because i'm NOT an outdoors girl.

I just don't really like the heat. :P

So far, in the past few weeks i've been thrown into the lake three times. Note to self, do NOT stand on the dock when other counselors are coming. No one can be trusted. :P

But quite honestly, I want to be thrown in the lake right now. It's so hot outside. Well, I only get two hours of free time to myself a day, so please forgive me if it takes me a while to post!

Meanwhile, here's a beautiful picture of the lake.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Yes. World Domination. All of us have dreamed of it. What would it be like if YOU controlled the world? Its amazing how popular of a theme world domination is. The cartoon from the nineties, Pinky and the Brain, featured two mice attempting world domination. The majority of wars have world domination as a theme, whether just for power (Hitler) or because you believe the economy will not work until everyone is a communist. If you think about it, religion is another form of world domination. While it isn't a negative one, "Go therefore and spread the Good News to all nations" does sound like a commandment to conquer. I mean that of course in the highest respect, but its true. Christians, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons are all active members of world domination in my community. Why are we so in love with conquering the world?!

Why on earth am I talking about this? Especially on a blog about sensational things. No, I am not conquering the world. Although I know what I would do (in detail) if I did. I am talking about this because the three of us (Mindy, Betsy, and I) played the board game Risk for 4.5 hours tonight. Needless to say I, had Australia the whole time. Why is it that humans are so in love with the concept of world domination though? Admit it. Those of you who have played Risk take joy in conquering other territories. And when one of your territories you really want is taken you are upset. Like Ukraine. It really is an interesting little peek into the human psyche.

Well, to you conquistadors out there, good luck! And to the rest of you, stay safe, for who knows will be the next Conqueror!

Hasta la vista!

Question for the comments, if you dominated the world what is the first thing you would change?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hanging out

Hanging out- a slang phrase used by people to refer to spending time with friends.

Where did this interesting phrase come from. Perhaps it evolved from our primate ancestors? For when they spent time with each other they literally "hung out". Or perhaps from times when hanging was capital punishment. A group of pirate friends would go "hang out" as they were killed. Well wherever this phrase comes from, hanging out is absolutely sensational.

This past week I was blessed/cursed with a rather empty schedule at the Dairy Queen I work at (same one Mindy recently retired from). So I had plenty of time to hang out with my friends. By the end of tomorrow I will have been to three different bonfires, one campout, two graduation parties, one movie night, one musical (Phantom of the Opera), one concert, and one mini mini road trip. All of these have been exciting. If every week was like this however I would collapse.

As I take stock in this week I have several bruises from the star game, cuts in my feet from playing ghosts in the graveyard barefoot, and a hurt toe from stubbing the corner of the toenail off from running through a dark basement during the potty break of a scary movie (My Bloody Valentine (very good movie)). But the price was worth it. I had an amazing week. Besides being worried about a creepy miner pick-axing me to death it was great.

Without hanging out with friends life would be immensely boring. Every friend contributes also, the sensible one (why are we doing this?), the daring one (lets all 5 of us climb an apple tree in the middle of the night), the rather dumb ones (lets through the mother of all logs in the fire) and all the ones in between. Regardless of injury, fatigue, or being yelled at by grumpy sales people hanging out is absolutely sensational.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Being Outside

Hey! Betsy and Mindy here. We are currently sitting outside. After we got bored with making buttons, we decided it would be fun to have a photo shoot in Betsy's yard. The sun was at such a perfect angle that we felt we should take pictures of our shadows and some other things.

A Proposal

Basking in the Sunshine

We were not very good at posing our shadows, especially when we tried to jump. Next time it is nice in your area, grab a friend and a camera and take some photos!

Weeds in the Sun

A Rocket Ship Crashing to Earth