Saturday, May 16, 2009

Music, with passion!

Music. As you can tell from Mindy's Post, we at Sensational-Sensational enjoy music. However each of us have a different distinct genre that we enjoy. For example, I was talking to Mindy the other day and she assumed when I redferenced "hyper" music that i was talking about pop. But in fact i was talking about my personal favorite genre of music. Music from Musicals. The passion in these songs is completely unrivaled to those of popular music. Let's compare.

If you don't have the time to watch the whole thing pay extra attention to the chorus. Located at 1:00 minute. While Rihanna's lyrics are very passionate, nothing could compare to:

Once again if you dont have the time pay attention to the bridge located at 5:00 minutes. The song from The Last 5 Years, loving known by its fan as L5Y is far more passionate than the previous. It just isnt possible for a song that is randomly just "there" to be more passionate than a song that has a story behind it. That is why I enjoy musicals far more than normal music. I do listen to popular music. Right now my radio is tuned into the Top 40 radio station of our area. However. Almost every song that i buy on iTunes or otherwise is normally from a musical. Passion is so important in music. Thats something that some people dont understand. Who needs passionate music when you can listen to Headbanger/Screamo?! I do. But it's just MY opinion that I think that Musical music is simply sensational.

1 comment:

  1. That song is cool. Intresting idea, and I totally agree with you that songs with a story are way better than some random thing.
