Friday, June 5, 2009

Hanging out

Hanging out- a slang phrase used by people to refer to spending time with friends.

Where did this interesting phrase come from. Perhaps it evolved from our primate ancestors? For when they spent time with each other they literally "hung out". Or perhaps from times when hanging was capital punishment. A group of pirate friends would go "hang out" as they were killed. Well wherever this phrase comes from, hanging out is absolutely sensational.

This past week I was blessed/cursed with a rather empty schedule at the Dairy Queen I work at (same one Mindy recently retired from). So I had plenty of time to hang out with my friends. By the end of tomorrow I will have been to three different bonfires, one campout, two graduation parties, one movie night, one musical (Phantom of the Opera), one concert, and one mini mini road trip. All of these have been exciting. If every week was like this however I would collapse.

As I take stock in this week I have several bruises from the star game, cuts in my feet from playing ghosts in the graveyard barefoot, and a hurt toe from stubbing the corner of the toenail off from running through a dark basement during the potty break of a scary movie (My Bloody Valentine (very good movie)). But the price was worth it. I had an amazing week. Besides being worried about a creepy miner pick-axing me to death it was great.

Without hanging out with friends life would be immensely boring. Every friend contributes also, the sensible one (why are we doing this?), the daring one (lets all 5 of us climb an apple tree in the middle of the night), the rather dumb ones (lets through the mother of all logs in the fire) and all the ones in between. Regardless of injury, fatigue, or being yelled at by grumpy sales people hanging out is absolutely sensational.

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